Monday, November 25, 2013

Book Winner from Bergren's interview

Thanks to all of you who commented on the interview with Lisa Bergren this week. There were 40 entrants from 18 states. I am overwhelmed with all the comments from Lisa’s devoted fans, and from some who were meeting her and hearing about her books for the first time. The internet is truly an amazing tool!
And the winner is......Julie from Minnesota!
I've met several new authors since I started doing interviews last March--some new to me and some new to writing, as well as some I already knew. Check the Author Interviews tab to find the names of all of them. Authors coming up in the next few weeks and into 2014 are:
Rosemary Hines, author of contemporary fiction, based on her New Age experiences. (found her on Kindle and ordered all three of her books)
Sarah Sundin, author of books about World War II women soldiers (found her on Kindle and ordered another one)
Kimberly Rae Jordan, daughter of missionaries, and author of a book about a missionary who was kidnapped and held for years by terrorists, and what happened when he returned. (Her books is an e-book but is being printed in December and will be available to the winner of those who comment)
Kimberly Rae, a Christian author of books about the sex trade among young girls (I've ordered one of her books and it has not yet arrived)
Eva Marie Everson, an author I found when I downloaded one of her books for free. She writes books about contemporary times. (I read one on Kindle and just finished the one I ordered from Amazon).  

Heidi Glick, author of Christian mysteries

Becky Povich, writer of memoirs (just finished her book From Pigtails to Chin Hairs and chuckled my way through it.
Can you tell I'm an avid reader? If only housework and cooking didn't get in the way of my reading!

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