
What you Will See on My Blog

I started this blog in 2011, a year after my book A Heritage of Faith, was published. But I didn't know much about what I was doing.Now I have a better idea, thanks to my on-line class with Margo Dill of Women on Writing, even though I still have a lot to learn.(
If you go to their website, you will be able to sign up for various classes on writing and the internet; interesting things to learn.

Here is a posting of what you can expect to find on my blog and when you will find it:

Author Interviews--Coming soon: Janice Hanna Thompson, Dan Walsh, Miralee Ferrell, Julie Lessman, Denise Hildreth-Jones, Mona Hodgson, Margo Dill, MaryBeth Whalen, KarenWitener, Donna Goodrich, and others. (Check the "Author Interviews" tab for an updated list of authors."
Author interviews on the first  and third Mondays of each month, as soon as they come available. Some of these will include book give-aways. Be sure to leave a comment so your name will be included in the drawing.

Guest blogger: our son, David Nobles, will be featured on the second and fourth Mondays of each month with his humor and advice for Christian living. Other guest bloggers will be featured as they are available. Librarians, avid readers and others will tell about books and why they like them.
Book reviews--Wednesdays and maybe Saturdays. I usually read two books a week.

If you like what you read, I hope you will post a comment. I will respond to every signed comment. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

(above picture is a recent shot of me with my first great-granddaughter, Maclaine Monroe DeGroot, who lives in the Dallas, Texas, area with her parents, A.J. and Megan DeGroot. Below is our second great-grandchild, a boy, who will be born in August. He seems to be waving at us from the womb. His parents, Daniel and Molly Nobles, live in Midland, Texas.)

 And who says it's not a baby until it's born? Not me.

1 comment:

  1. I like the things you are adding to your blog and I love this photo of you and your great granddaughter! :)
