
Monday, January 20, 2014

Meet Kimberly Rae Jordan

 Today we are visiting with Kimberly Rae Jordan, an author I met when I downloaded one of her books on my Kindle. I’m so glad she agreed to do an interview. She has some interesting material and I want to introduce her to all of you who read my blog.

Q: Hi, Kimberly, it’s so nice that you can visit today.

A: Thanks so much for having on your blog, Juanita!

Q: Tell us about your life—where you live, your children, etc.

A: I live in central Canada where we have beautiful summers and horrible winters! I have four wonderful kids. My oldest daughter is in university and my youngest son is just getting out of diapers! In between them are my boy/girl twins who have just entered the teen years! I do have a “day job” working in the administration department of my brother’s technology company.

Q: The book you authored that I read was Faith, Hope and Love and it was about a missionary couple. I noticed that you are the child of missionary parents. How long did you live in Asia, and did this book have any connection to your experiences there?

A: My parents took me to the mission field when I was 18 months old and, aside from furlough years, I was there until I was 18 and graduated from high school. Yes, this book was based on my experiences to some extent. The missionary center that is introduced in the prologue was based on the one I grew up. Rural and beautiful with dirt paths running through the grass and lots of trees to climb! The hostage-taking part of the story was based off several different incidents. From the time I was around 11, I was aware of missionaries who had been kidnapped. It is always a possibility for missionaries serving in foreign lands, but there are definitely countries that have been more dangerous in this regard than others. As I read the stories of these men who had been kidnapped, I was always amazed and encouraged that through it all, they maintained their faith. It led me to wonder what it would be like if the opposite occurred. A man taken hostage, tortured and released…having lost his faith. That was the basis of Faith, Hope & Love.

Q: I suppose you left Asia to go to school in the states. Did you study journalism, or was that something that came later in life? In other words, I think I’m asking, did you always want to be a writer?

A: I left after high school and came back to Canada—talk about a shock on several levels! At the time I was planning to go to college for Business Administration. That didn’t work out so I ended up working at a few different jobs until I had my first child. It was around then that I began to dabble a bit in writing. I have always loved reading, and growing up without a television really helped develop my imagination. I would tell myself stories to fall asleep at night. Early on I don’t think I was necessarily writing in pursuit of publication, but more for the enjoyment of it. So the written word has always been a large part of my life only now I get to share it with lots of people.

Q: Tell us about your spiritual experience and when you came to be a child of God. With missionary parents, I’m sure this was an important part of your life.

A: Yes, growing up as a missionary kid meant that I was exposed to Christianity at a very young age. It was a large part of my life through most my school years as well since the schools I attended were all missionary schools which included Bible teaching along with other subjects. Having all that exposure does not, however, guarantee that a missionary kid will “stay the course”, so to speak. As a young adult I found myself just drifting along in my spiritual life. I spent a lot of time trying to be the person people expected me to be because of my parents and my background. I went to church because that was expected of me. I agreed to work in the nursery and teach children’s Sunday School because it seemed like the right thing to do. I adhered to the conservative life I’d been raised with for no other reason than I’d been told to. I struggled a lot for a few years and finally came to a breaking point where I questioned much about my spiritual life. It was a very difficult time for me spiritually and emotionally. I never questioned the reality of God, but just felt lost in my relationship with Him. Eventually I realized that I needed to have my own personal relationship with God, not my parents’ (grandparents, etc.) relationship with God. My writing has helped me to continue to build that personal relationship. Often the things my characters struggle with and learn in the course of the story are based on my own struggles and what I’ve learned.

Q: How true, Kimberly. We all have to have a face-to-face encounter with God. I call it a "point in time" experience. Something you can always remember.

Tell us a little about your writing journey. How long did it take after you started writing to get a book published? Or did you start with free-lance writing for magazines, etc?

A: Once I put my mind to trying to publish, I began to research publishers and agents. I joined a writers’ organization which lead me to become part of a couple of critique groups. Those groups were filled with some wonderful women who helped me polish my writing and offered encouragement along the way. I originally targeted the Love Inspired line and had several requests for complete manuscripts, but each time I ended up with a rejection from them. It was discouraging, but I kept writing and submitting. When I had my spiritual crisis, I stopped writing. I stopped submitting. I was in a place where I just couldn’t face any more rejection. I set aside my writing and focused on other things. A couple of years ago I reconnected with an old critique partner. She had self-published through Amazon and told me I should look into it too. My husband also encouraged me to take up my writing again. It took me awhile to get the nerve up, but eventually I pulled out those old manuscripts and began to revise (update!) and polish them. At the end of January 2013, I published Faith, Hope & Love, and I haven’t looked back!

Q: I so appreciate authors who write Christian fiction. How long have you been writing and how many books have you published?

A: My writing journey has been kind of fractured, but I think it’s safe to say I’ve been writing in one form or another (fiction, journaling etc.) for most my adult life. To date I’ve published six books and contributed to a devotional for authors.

Q: I notice you have a series about the Karlsson Brothers. From the reviews I read, this is a popular series. Tell us about these guys and how you came up with a series about them. How many books are in the series? Do you plan to write more?

A: To be honest, when I wrote the first book (Waiting for Rachel), I never planned for it be a series. As the story unfolded and Jace was introduced into the story, I began to think about writing his story. I had already planned that Damian (the hero of book 1) would come from a family of three adopted boys, so then I just needed to flesh out the middle brother, Alex. There will only be three stories in this series, but I have discovered a love for series books! In writing the stories of these three brothers, the thing I enjoyed most was not having to say goodbye to the characters at the end of their book. Well, except when I got to the end of book 3. Lol! Being able to carry on parts of Damian and Rachel’s story into Worth the Wait was fun. And then to be able to revisit the lives of the characters of the first two books in the third, which takes place a few years in the future, was very satisfying for me. I hope the readers feel the same way!

Q: What would readers be surprised to know about you? Tell us an embarrassing situation or an unusual happening, please.

A: This question has me stumped! I try to avoid embarrassing situations at all costs. Lol In addition to writing, I enjoy baking. I don’t bake as much as I would like to because baking leads to eating, and eating sweets and such leads to…well, you know! I was first introduced to baking by my dad. He helped me bake my first pie! When I was 14 years old, 4 friends and I started up a bakery on our missionary center. Each day we would take orders and then would bake things like cookies, bread and cinnamon buns. The name of our bakery was “Dough-Dough’s Bakery” and our slogan (courtesy of my mom!) was “We knead your dough.” We each made a nice sum of money that summer. I have sold baking to help raise money for my oldest daughter’s mission’s trip to Jamaica as well as to supplement our income at varying times.

Q: Kimberly, thank you so much for being with us today and for your insightful answers. I hope our bloggers will be looking for your books. Tell us where you can be found—your website and how to reach you on Facebook or Twitter.

A: Thanks so much for the opportunity to share about myself and my books with your readers! I’m in all the usual places on the web. My website is You can like my author page at and follow me on twitter at I answer all email, so you can also write me at

Q: Thanks, and I hope I get to read more of your wonderful books.

Note from Kimberly: We will hopefully have Faith, Hope and Love available in print by the end of the year. I would be happy to donate a book for your winner!

Readers, you will love this book! I read it on my Kindle and had to keep recharging so I could keep reading! Remember to leave your email address so I can notify you if you win.
I'll announce the winner on January 26, but will email the winner on the weekend, January 24 or 25.


  1. Thanks for sharing, I'm so glad I stopped by today!

    Please enter me in the contest. Thanks. joyfuljelatgmaildotcom

    1. Thanks Jackie. Your name is entered. If you win the book, I know it will become of your favorites.

  2. While this is my first time to this site, I find I have several interests in common with Mrs. Nobles and Mrs. Jordan. The most important being the relationship with the Lord. Growing up as a member of several M or P families, I can somewhat relate to her interesting stories. Thanks for sharing! I always love good books. I recently bought some of her books not mentioned and look forward to reading them soon!

  3. So glad to hear your testimony, Valerie. Yes, relationship is the key. So many people do not understand that. Thanks for commenting, and I've entered your name in the contest. I've read some of Kimberly's other books, too.

  4. I really enjoyed your questions and the answers given. I appreciated hearing about your struggles. We don't always like to admit that we struggle as Christians or in our Christian walk. I will be watching for Faith Hope & Love. Please enter me in the contest fishingjan[at]aol[dot]com

  5. Faith, Hope and Love sounds wonderful. Please enter me in contest. Thank you for the opportunity to win.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Have a wonderful week.

  6. Faith Hope and Love is a wonderful book. I have read it and enjoyed it. Kimberly is a wonderful writer.
    Enjoyed the interview.

  7. This book sounds like an uplifting read and we all need that! Please enter me! It was a really nice interview!

  8. Sounds like a great book -- thanks for introducing us to this author. I'll have to check out her books.


    1. Sorry - forgot my email! crwg96 (at) aol(dot)com

  9. Sounds wonderful! I'd love to read it and enter to win!

  10. thanks for the chance to read this novel :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  11. Laurel, I hope you will come back and leave your email address. I have no way of getting in touch with you to notify you if you are the winner, unless you leave me your email address. (from Juanita)

  12. Sounds like a wonderful book. Thanks for having the contest! Is available in any other ebook format? I have a kindle app on my Nook, but I'm not sure how that would work in this case. Would I be downloading my kindle book directly from Amazon? If I won that is :) Please enter me in the contest.

