
Monday, November 18, 2013

Interview with Lisa Tawn Bergren

 Juanita: Hi, Lisa, Welcome to my blog today! I am so looking forward to learning more about you.

Lisa: Thanks for inviting me into your circle!

Juanita: First, tell us a little about yourself, and your reason for writing Christian books.

Lisa: I’m a wife and mom living in Colorado Springs. I finish ducks in the morning (I can see your puzzled expression—see and write in the afternoon. I write Christian books because my faith is such an integral part of me, I can’t imagine not incorporating at least a tiny measure of spirituality in everything I write.

Juanita: I looked it up and found what you mean. You are very artistic, too. Looks like you make these out of weathered wood.

Have you always lived in Colorado? If not, did you have any trouble adapting to the climate there when you moved to the state? What do you like best about living in Colorado?

Lisa: I came with a team to start a Christian division for Random House, WaterBrook Press. They said we could move to New York or Colorado, and we chose Colorado. We love it here. We adopted it as our home state—I love the easy access to mountains, and the people, a wonderful combination of Midwest-sensible and Western-casual.

Juanita: Wow! I didn't know you were in on the beginning of that! What an honor.  I've been to Colorado a couple of times, and I loved its beauty and the many different things you can see there.
I notice you write in many genres—historical fiction, children’s books, teen fiction, devotionals--- Do you have a favorite or do you love them all?

Lisa: My favorite is always what I’m currently writing. But I do really love YA (teen) fiction because I think young women are adorable, and so ready to interact with me. And when their moms read the same novels along with their daughters? That’s a very happy place for me. The series I wrote last for them is called The River of Time (Waterfall, Cascade, Torrent, Bourne & Tributary), and I have a new series coming in 2014 called Remnants. Lots of action…those novels practically write themselves for me.

Juanita: How do you balance being a wife and mother of three children with a successful writing career?

Lisa: It’s always a juggling act. But since my kids are bigger now (freshman in college, freshman in high school and 4th grader), it’s a tad easier. Concentrated hours while they’re away to get the work done, so I can concentrate on them come evening.

Juanita: That is different, having kids in so many age groups. But I remember those days.
What do you like to do when you have a little free time? Or is that something you don’t know about?

Lisa: Ha! I like to hike and host dinner parties. Being outside recharges me and I love intimate, real conversations with dear friends.

Juanita: What part did books play in your life while you were growing up? Did you always think you would be an author?

Lisa: I was one of those kids who read under the covers until my mom found me out and made me go to sleep. There was nothing I really liked more than getting lost in a great book. To be an author, however, seemed like an impossible dream. I always wrote and had a role in my school yearbook and newspaper staff, and I graduated in English Lit, but I was thinking more about editing than writing myself. Post-college, I had a friend of a friend who wrote a Harlequin romance and I thought, “Well, I could do that…” And I did. God’s been more than generous in opening doors for me ever since.

Juanita: I read in one of your interviews that you didn’t have to wait long after you started writing before you were a published author. Tell us a little about your journey and the importance of having an agent in this transition.

Lisa: I wasn’t agented for my first 10 or so novels. I was in the publishing biz (first in marketing, then in editing), so I felt I knew enough about contracts and the “other side” to negotiate them myself. When I stopped working in-house, I hired an agent. While I still keep up on what’s happening, especially in this world of e-pub, I greatly value my agent and his role in my traditional publishing.

Juanita: Besides when you came to know the Lord, what was the happiest day in your life?

Lisa: The day I married my husband, Tim. He’s a prince of a man, my best friend as well as the love of my life.  

Juanita: Lisa, thanks so much for visiting with us today. It's so nice to visit with you, and I really appreciate your taking the time to do this. Bloggers, you can find Lisa on the net at  Also, check out her books on her Amazon page. I'm sure she has a facebook page too.

Lisa: Thanks for inviting me to do so!

Now, bloggers, we have a wonderful prize for this week's winner! Lisa has offered to give away a copy of one of her Grand Tour novels-- Glamourous Illusions, Grave Consequences, or Glittering Promises. This is a trilogy that I read  on my Kindle and they are wonderful. I also read The Bridge and it was one I couldn't put down.  WINNER'S CHOICE!
I have read and reviewed several of Lisa's children's books and donated them to our church library. Lisa is truly a talented writer of several different genres.

I hope you will leave a comment so you can be entered in the contest. I'll notify the winner by email on Saturday, November 23, and Lisa will mail the book to you. Please remember to leave your email address, and will you tell me which state you live in?
Have a great week!






  1. I have read a couple of Lisa's books and enjoyed them. I would love to win a copy. I live in Texas.

  2. Hi, Susan from Texas. That's where I was born and grew up, till my husband moved me to Missouri as a young bride. I'm glad you love Lisa's books, as I do. Thanks for your comment and good luck in the contest.

  3. I met Lisa on a Scavenger Hunt, but never read any of her books. Did think these look interesting tho. Think I have tried to win a couple before with no luck. Maybe this time. I am from Texas. Please put my name in.
    Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  4. Hi, Maxie, thanks for stopping by. Your name is on the list. I know you'll enjoy Lisa's books.

  5. Hi Juanita,

    Great interview! I would love to win one of Lisa's books. Definitely put my name on the list. I live in Kentucky.


    1. Hi, Ann, you're entered in the drawing. Thanks for stopping by. I know you'll love Lisa's book if you are the winner.

  6. My mom was a girl under-the cover reader in Poland. Her mom told her it would give her bad eyes. Well she is 86 and if she had to, she would still read under the covers. I am giving her a Kindle for Christmas so she won't keep my dad awake! Great interview, book looks wonderful. Christian writing is the only way to go in this modern world we live in!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Sonja. Your mom will love the Kindle. I know I love mine! Thanks for stopping by, but I can't enter your name without your email address. I have to have it so I can notify you if you're the winner!

  7. Thanks for hosting me, Juanita! And thanks to all the readers who commented.

  8. I have read a few of Ms. Lisa's book. They are all wonderful!! I am from Kentucky. Thank you for the post/giveaway :)

  9. I love all of Lisa's books...I am dying to read Glittering promises, my library hasn't ordered it in yet...would love to win it. Great interview!!!

    1. oops forgot my email and state....Utah and

  10. Lisa is one of my favorite authors. Mainly because of her crisp writing and I never have to worry about anything inappropriate in her books. She is one of my role models in following her dreams and inspires me to do so also. Thanks, Lisa and keep the great books coming!!!

    1. Hi, Jorgensen family--I'm so glad you stopped by to comment. But if you want to be in the drawing, you need to leave your email address. Hope you'll come back and do it.

  11. Hi, Alex from Colorado. I've read many of Ms. Lisa's books, and she's sort of become a role model for me.

    1. And you're a fellow Coloradan to boot! Thanks for visiting Juanita's blog!

  12. Lisa's books are great, I haven't read this and would love to

  13. Lisa's books are memorable and special. I would love to read any of the books. thanks for this lovely giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  14. What an opportunity to enter the giveaway! I living in chilly Ohio.
    Dawn Crawford

  15. I love many of your books but my daughter now (18) absolutely loves your River of Time series but we only have the first three! Now I know what I am getting her for Christmas. Can't wait! Thank you! Love the ducks too! in FL! My dad lived in Colorado Springs for a few years and loved it.

    1. Chris-- what a pleasure to have you stop by and comment on my blog. I love Christian books!

    2. I SO love it when moms, daughters and grammas all in one family all read my books! Makes me smile!

  16. Shes a new author to me, and i would love to win one of her books, thanks
    Shirley B

    1. Thanks for visiting, Shirley. Got you on the list.

  17. I live in Iowa and would love any of these books. I have read the first one and plan on reading the other two.

    1. Thanks, Virginia, I'm so glad you stopped by. Sounds like you love to read-- so do I.

  18. I am from South Dakota and I love Lisa's books!

    1. Linda--so nice of you to stop by and leave a comment. Hope you will come again.

  19. When I found Lisa's books I felt like I had hit a jackpot. My sister and I are always trying to find one of her books that neither has read for Christmas and our birthdays so we can give it to the other and then turn around and read them. We both just LOVE her books- we get lost in them!!! Wish she could write faster!!! Laurie ------ at, state of Texas!

    1. Hi, Laura, so nice that you stopped by. Hope you will come again for more interviews and giveaways. I do them the first and third Mondays of every month.

    2. Awwww, I wish I had a sister and we could share books! Thanks for sharing mine!

  20. Hi, Lisa, & Juanita!

    Enjoyed your post, & learning more about you, your writing, & your books, Lisa! Love the Colorado scenery - the Rockies, etc., the narrow roads, with no guardrails, to the neat little Western towns - NOT, so scary!

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity - haven't read any of your books, but would love to!


    1. Hey, Bonnie, glad to hear from you again. Good luck in the contest.

    2. Thanks, Bonnie! I just drove thru part of your pretty Kentucky...

  21. I'm always looking for new books to read. Minnesota winters get very long.

    1. And I thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog. Good luck in the contest. I'll notify the winner by email on Saturday morning.

  22. This was a fun interview to read! I loved learning more about you and your writing, Lisa. I've read and loved the River of Time series. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

    New Jersey

    1. Jillian, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Hope you'll visit my blog again.

    2. Thanks, Jillian! I think you'll like REMNANTS too!

  23. Love the duck! My daughter was one of those under the cover readers too. As a matter of fact, she almost always had a book in her hand. She gets it from me as I LOVE to read!!!

    1. And I was one too, as were my daughters and sons. A reading mom is a gift, and I had one. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.


  25. A reader from Ohio here. Thanks for featuring Lisa. Have read some of her books and they are all good reads.
    Thank you mcnuttjem0(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. And than you, Jackie for stopping by and leaving a comment. I really loved all the books I read that Lisa wrote.

  26. I LOVE Lisa's stuff. River of Time is one of my favorite series. I've read the first two books in the Grand Tour series so I'd be trilled to win the third! Here's my info...
    I live in North Carolina

    1. Thanks for visiting my site. I've entered your name in the contest and will notify the winner on Saturday morning.

  27. Oh.My.Goodness. Love Lisa Bergren's gift that weaves faith, history, family, adventure and a smidgen of romance into an escape hatch for her readers to relax in imagination bliss. Thank you. Patti. The Great Lake State in SW Mitten (aka Michigan)

    1. Hey, Lisa, thanks for stopping by and I hope you will come again. You are entered in the contest. Good luck!

  28. Wow what a cool intereview! I had no idea Lisa made ducks! Such a talented lady! :) I live in good ol' NC!
    Email: sylvesternator (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Thanks, Laura, hope you'll come back every first and third Monday for a new interview and giveaway. Thanks for your visit and comment. Good luck in the contest.

  29. I LOVE LISA!!! I'm not just saying this second hand as something I've heard, I know first hand that Lisa is an author that truly cares about her readers. She is an inspiration to many who read her books and who's lives have been touched by her inspired stories. I have also read many of Lisa's books and can't wait to get my hands on Glittering Promises. Thank you for the interview Juanita!! Oh I am for the beautiful state of Oregon. God bless you two ladies.

    1. Hi, Kristie, thanks for your comment. I loved all three books in this trilogy. I know you will too. Good luck in the contest!

    2. How sweet, Kristie! I lived in Oregon for four years (Sisters). LOVED our time there. Thanks for reading my books and for your sweet, supportive note.

  30. I' m one of those moms who read the books with my daughters- ages 12 & 21! We all love her books!

    1. My daughters and I did the same when they were home. They are gone now with daughters of their own. Enjoy them while you can. I need your email address if I'm going to enter you in the contest. I always notify the winner by email....

  31. I loved her YA series and would like to try a grown-up book :) Thanks! Angie in OR

    1. Thanks for your comment, but I need your email address to enter you in the contest. I notify the winner by email.

  32. It doesn't look like my comment worked, so I am trying again. Sorry if it posts twice! I love that Lisa wants to continue writing novels for teens - it's so important for them to have good christian stories to read during those tough years. I would love to win Glittering Promises to go with the other two books in the series. Thanks for all your hard work, Lisa! I live in Pennsylvania. my email - babykf629 at gmail dot com

    1. Well, it worked this time, Kim. And thanks for your effort to get your name on the list. Hope you'll visit my blog again. I do interviews every first and third Monday, and other things on the other Mondays. You might find a book review on Wednesdays, if I can get it done.

  33. Lisa is one of my very favorite authors! I live in Utah, and my email address is

  34. I'm a Lisa fan, but mostly have read her children's books. I hope I win a novel.

    Kathy from Virginia

    kathae at jacobfam dot net

  35. As a retired librarian, I usually give books as baby shower presents & often include "God Gave Us You" by Lisa. It's beautifully written with a message that little ones need to hear! I'm from Ohio. lldietz@gmail dot com.

  36. I live in Georgia. Would live to win this book to read to my first and only niece. :)
    sarah_purcats(AT)hotmail (dot) com

  37. I live in Kentucky. I loved the River of Time series AND the Grand Tour series. Such wonderful books! I can't say enough about them. I share them and sometimes, they don't come back! I'd love to win a signed copy of Grave Consequences! kattyge@hotmail dot com

  38. I would love to win any of your books. I've not read any of them yet. I'm from IL. Donna d[dot]brookmyer[at]yahoo[dot]com

  39. Hello Ladies, I enjoyed your interview, learned about your artistic work with ducks which I didn't know about. You are a talanted woman. I would love to read Glamourous Illusions, should I win this giveaway. thanks for sharing

    Paula O( a fan in Ga

  40. Juanita, I really enjoyed reading this interview. Well-written, and interesting!

    1. Thanks, Donna, so glad you came by to read it. I appreciate your comment.

  41. Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  42. Hi, I'm Kelly from Colorado. Lisa is the best author I have ever read!!! I have read most of her books and LOVE the River of Time Series. She is a great author and a great inspiration to me and I love all her books. I love the adventure, historical, romance parts to her books that just make them so interesting and I couldn't put them down!! I also love the religious parts that really make you more of a christian. Thanks for your awesome books Lisa, and the great inspiration!

    vandekoppel (dot) k (at) gmail (dot) com

  43. I have enjoyed reading lisa's books. Thanks for the chance to win one. I live in Michigan.

  44. Thanks for all your lovely comments, friends! The Captcha code is killing me, commenting on each of your comments, but know I've read and appreciated them all!

    1. Lisa, I'm so sorry about that. I have to do every one too. But I was getting some really weird off-the-wall comments and needed to put that on to get that stopped. I appreciate your taking the time to write as much as you did. I'll be drawing for the winner tomorrow......
