
Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Friday to everyone. Just a few things to say to you today

First, I hope you have read the Monday interview by Janice Thompson and have signed up to be in the drawing for one of her books. If not, please go to the sidebar and find the post for Monday, May 20 and get that done right away. Less than ten people have signed up for the drawing so far. I hope that gets corrected by the end of next week. Janice is offering a signd copy of her new book Picture Perfect to the winner. I went to our public library and checked out a copy of Fools Rush In and have been enjoying Janice's humoristic prose this week. Janice has not commented, but she did tell me that they were expecting a new baby any day in her family, so I imagine she's pretty busy down in Texas, where she lives.

I made a mistake in scheduling this week, so our son David has an extra post on Tuesday (should have been for next Monday). Hope you enjoy his thoughts on Holy Water and Fake Money, and his analogy to our lives as Christians......What is Really Real in our Lives?

I'm sure we have all been praying for the people in Moore, Oklahoma, this week as we followed the news. Also, I'm very concerned about the other news--The IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandel, and other newsworthy articles that we are following.

Everybody have a blessed weekend and a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Hope there are lots of American flags and picnics going on all around in our wonderful country. Every day I thank God that I live in America and pray that He will allow our nation to continue to always be free. I hope you do, too.


  1. Ms. Nobles,

    My holiday weekend was a sombering one as I hinted about in my reply on Ms. Thompson's posting,... I do apologise again that I couldn't post sooner than now! I was so looking forward to seeing her here, and am thankful I could join in! I wanted to comment on the recent newsfeeds that pull at our hearts and inspire us to do something productive and kind to soften the pain and to give love to those who are in need.

    My Mum and I are knitters who are embarking on knitting for charities on a national level rather than only on a local one. There is a current *Blanket of Love* for the Moore, Oklahoma victims of the EF5 tornando - details are over here:

    We previously participated in a Love Blanket for the family of Krystal Campbell. We're also working on one for the mother of Martin, the young boy who was killed.

    Knitting a square that will be stitched into a blanket and given to someone who is grieving such a heavy loss is one step towards sharing our humanity and our love at a moment in time where being able to give something tangible uplifts us as much as it uplifts the person who receives the gift. The squares are similiar to knitting prayer shawls (which we also do), as your stitching in your thoughts and prayers for the person your knitting the shawl for even if you do not know them personally or directly. Your knitting needles and your heart are entwined placing love into each stitch that is made.

    Every little bit of kindness we can give, whether locally or nationally will help keep all of us connected through peace, goodwill, and the love that binds us. There will always be darkness and ill news on the wires, but if we keep ourselves hinged to Hope, grounded in Faith, and strive to reach out to others in times of need,... we will be stronger and closer than ever.

    I am hopeful we'll find a blanket being made for the Ohio women,...

    I am forever thankful for our servicemen and women too, but I wanted to focus on the knitting projects that I am so thankful to have the chance to knit alongside my Mum! :)

  2. Thanks, Jorie. So glad you enjoy helping victims of devastating events as you and your mum do. I am a quilter. If you have time to look up some of my earlier posts, you'll see pictures of three quilts I made this year. Sadly, I've been having a few health problems and have not been quilting for the last few months. Hope to get back to it, though.
