
Friday, May 17, 2013

Love at Any Cost by Julie Lessman (2013)
Book One in The Heart of San Francisco series

Julie Lessman has another winner with her new offering of a story about Cassie McClare, a spunky Texas cowgirl, set in the early twentieth century.

Cassie, an oil heiress, arrives at the home of her aunt and cousins in California with her lasso, jeans, and boots (not the proper attire for a young lady in 1902), when Jamie McKenna, a young man who happens to be at the train station, accidentally knocks her off her feet. When he shows up at the McClare house for dinner, Cassie wants nothing to do with this “pretty boy.” He is too much like the young man in her hometown of Humble, Texas, who just jilted her. But Jamie is smitten and sets out to win the heart of this petite blonde from Texas.

Jamie, the son of a poor woman living on San Francisco’s Barbary Coast, has pulled himself up by his boot strings, educating himself and finding a good job as a lawyer. He feels responsible for his mother and invalid sister, Jess, and is trying to save money to obtain an operation for her to enable her to walk. He wants to marry a rich woman so he can live on Nob Hill and enjoy the pleasures that his friends, the McClares, have all the time, as well being able to help his mother and sister.

Meanwhile, Cassie’s aunt, Caitlyn, is being wooed by her late husband’s brother, Logan McClare. Both women realize they cannot marry men who are not lovers of God, but their hearts tell them otherwise, as the handsome men try to win their affections.

The family takes part in many activities of the time—games, elegant balls, picnics, time at the beach—as the reader learns about and comes to love each character. In every instance, the author brings us to the historical period with her adequate descriptions of the activities and the people of that day.

As situations arise and the familiar Lessman twists and turns occur, the reader is surprised again and again. If you enjoy historical Christian romance, you will love this book.


Readers, you have three more days to sign up to receive a free copy of one of Julie Lessman's books. The drawing will be Sunday, May 20 and the winner will be notified by personal email on that afternoon. (So, be sure to leave your email address if you want to win a book.)

Don't miss this opportunity! Go to her interview or comment here to get on the list. 


  1. Love Julie's interview - the story of how she became a Christian is similar to that of Liz Curtis Higgs, in that she was also attracted to the joyful demeanor of fellow Christian employees. Amazing how God orchestrates the scenes by bringing the right people into our lives at just the right time. The "right" people introduced in my life were the cast members of a passion play about the life of Christ - in Gatlinburg, Tn. - I later became a cast member.

    Julie - my vote is for a book series set in Charleston, a beautiful place! I love even the mental pictures that come to mind when the word Charleston is mentioned.

    So want to win a copy of Julie's book - thanks for the opportunity!

  2. Hi, Bonnie, welcome back to my blog. So glad to hear about your first encounter with Jesus and your salvation. God invites all of us to Him in unique ways. You'll hear about other authors' salvation experiences in future weeks. Thanks for our comment.

  3. BONNIE!!! Charleston appeals to me too, VERY MUCH, and I hope to set a series there someday soon.

    Thanks SO much for your interest in my books, my friend -- I hope you win one soon!!


  4. another wonderful review :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  5. I haven't read this author yet but I've heard great things!

