
Monday, May 6, 2013

Author Julie Lessman, a writer from Missouri

Today's interview is with Missouri writer Julie Lessman.

Juanita: Hello, Julie, it’s so nice to be able to talk with you today about your books, writing, and publishing. I'm excited to be able to talk with you, since you live about 20 miles from me in Jefferson County!

First, please tell us about your salvation experience and why you write Christian books.

Julie: Mmm … my salvation story was pretty rough, I’m afraid. I was a 23-year-old hardnosed agnostic from a devout but dysfunctional family of 13 kids. I was so angry at God I actually wanted to burn Gideon Bibles in hotel rooms. As a wild child of the 60s and 70s, I tried everything to be happy—from astrology and tarot cards, to transcendental meditation and witchcraft—you name it. My vocabulary would have made a sailor blush. Suffice it to say I was pretty angry at God. According to the world’s standards, I had everything going for me—a hunky boyfriend with a Corvette and a boat, a great job, my own apartment (at a time when other friends still lived at home), and I was acing an advanced writing course at Washington U., a prestigious college in St. Louis. But I wasn’t happy. I felt a lot like Peggy Lee singing, “Is that all there is?”

Then one day, this annoying gal at work approached me. She had a lesser job than me, was divorced with a kid and no boyfriend in sight. I hated her because she came in humming every day while I was utterly miserable. And then it happened—one life-altering moment when she and I were alone—I looked up from my typewriter and said, “Just what in the heck (except my language was a bit saltier back then) makes you so happy all the time?” She said, “I’ve been praying you would ask.”

Oh, no, a Jesus freak, I thought to myself, but I found myself going to lunch with her, badgering her with questions and accusations. I don’t remember now if it was weeks or months, but either way, I met Jesus Christ through the remarkable patience of a God-sent angel by the name of Joy—pretty appropriate name, eh?

why Christian romance? Well, because I’ve been enamored with romance since I read Gone With the Wind at the age of twelve, and I’m sorry, but for me romance is just not romantic unless God is in the middle. To me, there’s nothing “sexy” about sin in a romance novel or movie. I’ve had people tell me The Bridges of Madison County was one of the most romantic films they have ever seen. Are you kidding? Since when is adultery romantic, no matter the situation! Maybe that’s just me, but I personally can’t enjoy romance (in a movie or book) unless it is according to God’s precepts OR unless it uses sin to point the reader TO His precepts.

But over and above the romance between a man and a woman, the MOST important thing I hope to convey in my books is the “romance” God craves with each of us. I long to show how natural and fulfilling an intimate relationship with God can and SHOULD be. Like breathing. My books may be fiction, but this is NOT a fairy tale here. It is possible to have a living, breathing relationship with the God of the Universe. He’s crazy about us, and if most people really understood that, their lives would turn on a dime and blessings would overtake them.

Juanita: WOW! Thanks so much for that beautiful testimony to God's grace. I know you write wonderful novels, but how did you get your start in writing? How did you begin your career?

Julie: Four life-altering words: Gone With the Wind. When I read that novel at the age of 12, I was swept away into the world of romance for the very first time. It captured me like no other book had done, and I immediately set out to write (along with thousands of other love-struck young girls, I’m sure), what I hoped would be “the great American novel.” Obviously my dreams of grandeur didn’t go anywhere (grin), but I did write 150 pages of a story that became the basis (some forty years later) for my debut novel, A Passion Most Pure.

Although I started writing at the age of twelve, I never really got serious about writing until I was in my 50s. I was sitting in a beauty shop reading a July 2001 Newsweek magazine cover article about Christian entertainment that said Christian books, movies and music were on the threshold of exploding. My heart jumped, and something in my spirit said, “Now is the time to finish your book.” I started A Passion Most Pure the next month, finally selling it to Revell 4-1/2 years and 45 rejections later.

Juanita: I have read the Daughters of Boston Series and did not want them to end. Then you continued the saga of the O’Connor family in the Winds of Change Series. It is hard for me to imagine a person with so many characters in her head—characters that come alive for the reader. How do you define your characters and how do you keep on writing such wonderful books?
Julie: Thank you, Juanita, for your kind words, and other than the grace of God, I honestly don’t know how these complicated and crazy stories keep rolling out of me! :) With the O’Connor saga, it all just started with me writing one, solitary book—A Passion Most Pure—and throughout the course of creating this passionate Irish family, I grew to love and know them like my own. I’ll be honest—I never intended to write a series, but these characters became so real to me, it was just a natural progression to continue on with a love story for each of the siblings.

As far as defining my characters, I basically modeled the first three sisters after aspects of my own personality. For instance, Faith, the sister heroine of A Passion Most Pure is my spiritual self. Both of us have an intimate relationship with God where we talk and pray with Him as naturally as if He were physically in the room. He’s our best friend as well as our Savior and the true love of our lives. In fact, Faith and I are so much alike in the spiritual aspect, that a good friend of mine told me that reading A Passion Most Pure was “like going to lunch with me.”

Charity, the sister heroine of Book 2, A Passion Redeemed, is my rebellious and “passionate” self, before I came to the Lord. As mentioned in my testimony above, I was a wild child of the seventies before Jesus got a hold of me (as he does Charity in Book 2).

Lizzie (or Beth), the sister heroine of Book 3 A Passion Denied is my dreamer self. Lizzie is a bookworm bent on fairytale romance, just like I used to be as a little girl, sneaking downstairs to watch romantic movies after my parents went to bed. In her story, Lizzie has to learn (just like I did) that true romance—the kind that really satisfies—comes from following God’s precepts, not the world’s.

Juanita: Tell us about your new book Love at Any Cost that just released in April 2013. How can readers find this book to order it? Will this also be a series? Tell us a little about the title character and how she happens to end up in California.

Julie: Yes, Love at Any Cost is book 1 in my brand-new “Heart of San Francisco” series, which launched April 15, 2013 and is available everywhere, from actual bookstores to most online bookseller like Amazon, CBD and Barnes & Noble. It’s kind of a poor-man, rich-man scenario among three cousins during the Irish-political landscape of 1902 San Francisco. Think Little Women meets Dynasty. :) And for those too young to remember the TV show Dynasty, think family wealth and poverty in a political setting.

This series is a bit of a departure for me because it’s a lot lighter and I hope a lot more fun than the angst and high drama of my two prior series.  It will be shorter and less complicated than the O’Connor saga, which means the books will be about 400 pages rather than my usual 500+, and the plots will be two-tier instead of three- and four-tier.

The romance between the hero and heroine is front and center, of course, but there’s also a second-tier love story between the older couple in the series, just like there was with Patrick and Marcy O’Connor. Only instead of a happily married mother and father such as we had in the O’Connor saga, Caitlyn McClare is a godly widowed matriarch who butts heads (and hearts) with her rogue brother-in-law Logan McClare, with whom she was once in love. Engaged to Logan at a very young age, Cait broke the engagement when she discovered Logan’s infidelity, resulting in her marrying Logan’s older brother instead. Now, twenty-seven years down the road, Cait is a widow and Logan is determined to win her back, so the romantic tension between these two undergirds the romantic tension between our heroine, Cait’s niece Cassie McClare, and the hero, Jamie MacKenna.

The one-line premise for Book 1, Love at Any Cost is: “A spunky Texas heiress without a fortune falls in love with a handsome pauper looking to marry well.” Cassidy McClare is a sassy Texas spitfire who travels to San Francisco to spend the summer with her cousins after being left at the altar by her pretty-boy fiancé. Here’s the jacket blurb:

Fooled by a pretty boy once, shame on him.
Fooled by a pretty boy twice, shame on me.
Jilted by a fortune hunter, cowgirl Cassidy McClare is a spunky Texas oil heiress without a fortune who just as soon hogtie a man as look at him … until Jamie MacKenna, a handsome pauper looking to marry well, lassoes her heart. But when Jamie discovers the woman he loves is poorer than him, Cassie finds herself bucked by love a second time, sending her back to Texas to lick her wounds and heal her heart. In her absence, Jamie discovers money can’t buy love, but love built on faith can set a heart free, a truth he discovers a little too late … or is it?

Juanita: What is next for you, Julie? Will you finish this series and go on to another exciting family to write about? Or will you take a cruise and rest awhile? If I know persons like you, they keep on going—anxious to start another exciting venture.

Julie: LOL … a cruise sounds pretty good right about now! My plans are to e-publish a short book on writing romantic tension soon and then finish writing book 3 in the Heart of San Francisco series, Dare to Hope (working title), which releases October 2014. But then I’m ready to slow down and enjoy my hubby a little more, so I’m taking some time off to relax and pray about where God wants my career to go.

As far as other projects, current and otherwise, I just released my own e-book last November called A Light in the Window, which is the prequel love story of Marcy and Patrick O’Connor, the parents in my Daughters of Boston and Winds of Change series. I am thrilled to say that A Light in the Window has a full-fledged five-star rating on Amazon with 71 five-star ratings and 8 four-star. And the good news it is on sale for half price ($3.99) right now, so I hope your readers will check it out on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

Regarding future projects, since I’ve fallen in love with Jamie’s sister Jess in Love at Any Cost, I am toying with the idea of writing a stand-alone book for her since she is a brilliant young woman who aspires to be a doctor following a surgery in Love at Any Cost where she was surgically healed of crippleness. I’ve also given some thought to a possible trilogy set in Charleston, South Carolina involving a plantation widow and her daughters, but nothing is set in stone yet.

And without question, I fully intend to continue the O’Connor saga with those precocious cousins and, of course, Gabe, the O’Connor’s tomboy foster child. I hope to begin with a trilogy for Faith’s girls, then a trilogy for Charity’s twins Henry and Hope AND Gabe and on down the line, each series taking place during the WWII period. Of course, each trilogy will include a 2nd-tier love story for the parents because I simply cannot let Faith and Collin, Charity and Mitch and the rest of the former hero/heroine couples go!

Juanita: Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, Julie. I can identify with your busyness. Even though I’m retired now, I remember those busy days with children at home. Where can my readers contact you?

Julie: Thank you SO much, Juanita, for this wonderful opportunity! I LOVE to hear from reader friends, so if they like, they can contact me through my website at, either by sending an e-mail via my site or by signing up for my newsletter at

Also, I have a cool blog feature on my website called “Journal Jots” at, which is a very laid-back Friday journal to my reader friends that will give your readers an idea as to my relaxed style of writing. Or readers can check out my favorite romantic and spiritual scenes from each of my books on the “Excerpts” tab of my website at Finally, I can be found daily at The Seekers blog at, a group blog devoted to encouraging and helping aspiring writers on the road to publication.

And just as an FYI for your readers:

CURRENT GIVEAWAYS/SALES/CONTESTS GOING ON RIGHT NOW: For those interested in reading my books, I have a number of fun things going on, so I hope you’ll take advantage of these opportunities:

·     SALE!! As mentioned above, my Irish love story, A Light in the Window is almost half price at $3.99 at Amazon and B&N. (from Juanita--I just downloaded this on my Kindle and read it in two days! It's wonderful.)

·     FREE DOWNLOAD!! A Hope Undaunted, book 1 in my "Winds of Change" series is currently available for FREE DOWNLOAD on Amazon, B&N or CBD. (from Juanita again-- I also downloaded and read this one. It's reviewed on my blog on May 1-- If you want to read the review, go to the sidebar and click on the name of the book.)


VIDEO LINK: (be sure to check this out.)

(Click on this link for a trailer about Julie's newest book: Love at Any Cost)

 Now, Readers, it's your turn again! Leave a comment or just say, "I want a book!" and you will be entered in this week's give-away. Julie has offered "winner's choice" of any of her books to the one whose name is drawn. Contest goes for two weeks this time and winner will be notified by email and will be announced on next Monday, May 20, 2013 (so be sure to leave your email address). Names without email addresses will not be entered in the drawing.  Only US addresses, please. You can enter by commenting directly on the blog, by facebook, or by sending me an email. mjnobles at charter dot net.

If you have not yet read one of Julie's books, I hope you will. I read the first of Daughters of Boston and had to read all three of them-- now I'm working on the Winds of Change Series, and have ordered Love At Any Cost. You'll discover a new Favorite Author.
You can still go to the sidebar and click on Meet Author Bette Lee Crosby) to enter the contest to win her book What Matters Most. Winner for that contest will be announced May 13.


  1. Good morning, everyone! What a great interview. I, too, love Mrs. Lessman's books, and can tell you that Love At Any Cost is one of the best yet! Thanks for holding this contest!

    1. Aw, CALLIE, THANK YOU for your sweet comment, especially about LAAC!! SO thrilled you enjoyed it, my friend.

      Good luck in the contest!!


  2. So you must be a REAL Southerner! Your name is entered in the contest. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Great interview so glad I stopped by to read it. I am looking forward to reading this book. Thank you for the contest.


    1. Thanks for your comment, Lourdes, and if you want to be entered in the drawing, I hope you will come back with your email address. Winner gets her choice of any one of Julie's books, so be sure to get in if you want to win.

    2. Hey, LOURDES ... long time, no see!! How are you, my friend??

      Thanks for coming by, but you'll need to leave your e-mail address as Juanita indicated, so GOOD LUCK!!


  4. I'm looking forward to reading your newest title! I LOVED your O'Connor series!

    1. All Julie Lessman's books have been great. I have Love at Any Cost and can't wait to read it. But I know if I open it, I won't be able to put it down, so I'm waiting till I finish another one (by another author) to start it.

      If you want your name to be entered in the contest, be sure to come back and leave your email address!!

    2. Aw, MISS PIPPI, THANK YOU!!! I hope you enjoy the McClares just as much, although I will warn you that this series is shorter, lighter, funnier and less passionate, both romantically and spiritually then the O'Connor saga, so I'm anxious to see what you think.

      Good luck!!


  5. I would love to read this book :) Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    winterrose (at) comcast (dot) net

    1. Hey, LOUISE ... and I would "LOVE" for you to win a copy as well, my friend, so here's to a win!!


  6. Hi, Louise, Thanks for stopping by. Your name has been entered. Good luck!

  7. Thanks for this great giveaway and interview! Please enter me in the giveaway!

    1. Hey, BETHANY ... you are MORE than welcome, and thank YOU for your interest in my books and for coming by -- I hope it nets you a win!!


  8. Thanks for stopping by, Bethany. Your name is in the box from which I'll draw the winner. Good luck! Winner will receive an email from me on May 19.

  9. Loved this interview and I so want to read this book! I enjoyed learning your story Julie... wow it's amazing. Gives hope that my husband will eventually come to Christ one day. But I would love to read this book... it looks like a wonderful story!


    1. BIANCA ... yes, my friend ... never give up your "hope" because God is the "God of Hope," and wants your hubby as badly as you do! Saying one for him RIGHT NOW.

      Good luck in the contest, sweetie!


  10. Thanks, Bianca. Yes, Julie's story blew me away, too. I was so glad I could share it on my blog. Your name is entered in the drawing, and I hope you'll return for more interviews, give-aways, and reviews. Winner will receive an email from me on May 19. Good luck!

  11. I really enjoyed the interview! This is my first time visiting your blog. Thank you.
    may_dayzee (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Hey, KAY ... this is my last blog interview/giveaway, but check my Journal Jots blog this Friday for more opps to win Love at Any Cost, okay?

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

    2. Kay, thanks so much for visiting my blog. I hope you found something you liked and will come back for more interviews and book reviews. I've entered your name in the contest-- winner will be revealed by personal email on May 19!

  12. I have read all of Julie's prior books. I don't have the first of the series Love At Any Cost and would love to win this books.

    I have loved reading all of Julie's books. Thanks.
    Sue Hamilton

    1. Hey, SUE ... good to see another Missourian on this Missouri blog!! Thanks for reading my books and I hope you like the McClares as well as the O'Connors!!

      Good luck!!


    2. Welcome to my blog, Sue. Aren't Julie's books great! I can't wait to read LAAC and your name has been entered in the contest. I'll send a personal email to the winner on May 19. Hope you'll visit my blog again. Look at the "author interviews" tab to see who is coming up this summer.

  13. I would love to read this book -- thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Hey, CAROL, thanks for coming by and GOOD LUCK in the contest!


    2. Hello, Carol, I really appreciate your stopping by my blog, and hope you will come back again for more interviews, give-aways, book reviews, and guest bloggers. Your name is in the list of commenters. I'll send an email to the winner on May 19. Good luck!

  14. Hey Julie & Juanita , I would so love to win Love at any Cost it sounds so good. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. Hey, LIZ, soooo good to see you here, going for my final giveaway. Here's hoping you pull out a win, my friend!


  15. Hey back to ya, Liz. Thanks for stopping by-- hope you enjoyed the interview, and your name is entered in the drawing. Good luck to you! Remember this happens on my blog every first and third Monday with lots of good stuff in between. Maybe I'll see your name again!

  16. "I want a book!" :)

    I can't wait to read Julie's new release! Her future trilogies sound amazing too-especially the one with Gabe!


    1. LOL, MARISSA ... you sound determined, young lady!! Thanks for your kind words about the future trilogies -- we shall see. :)

      Good luck, my friend!!


  17. Hi, Marissa! Glad you stopped by and glad you enjoy Julie's books, as many of us do. Thanks for leaving your email!

  18. I am a Huge Julie Lessman Fan! Juanita Thank you for sharing with us such wonderful information about Julie and her writing!! Please enter me into this contest. I have a Feeling Love at Any Cost is going to be a Major Hit for Julie!! She Deserves it!!
    Blessings, Jenn

    1. JENN!!! SOOOOOO glad you made it by, my friend, and if you don't win here, there's a HUGE Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt coming 5/17-19 that's giving away an iPad mini loaded with 33 top CBA books INCLUDING Love at Any Cost, PLUS, I am also giving away with it a $50 gift card and two giveaways of LAAC, so you still have chances ahead if you don't win here, okay? Just check my Journal Jots blog every Friday for updates on giveaways and the scavenger hunt.

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

    2. Thanks to Julie for all her encouraging comments and for directing people to my blog (at least I think she did that---). Hope everybody remembers where it is in future weeks and months. Thanks to everybody who commented.
      I still need two email addresses--Lourdes and Miss Pippi, if you want in the drawing, please send me your contact information.

  19. its jdovefamily(at)gmail(dot)com Thanks:)

  20. Hello, Dove family-- yes, as I read your email address I thought maybe I'd correct it, even before your sent your second comment. Those pesky keys mess up sometimes, don't they? Hope you'll stop by again for more interviews, book-give-aways, and other fun stuff. Thanks for stopping by! Aren't Julie Lessman's books the greatest? Look at my "author interviews" page for other fun authors to read about this summer. Got your name on the list!

  21. Julie I loved the story of your conversion and your co worker Joy. I am encouraged to continue living out my faith at work!

    And I want a book- haha!

    1. LOL, DJD ... and trust me, girl, I want you to have a book, too, so here's to a win!!

      And, YES, living one's faith out at work is not easy, but SOOOO rewarding and, quite frankly, I wouldn't be here today if some faithful Christian hadn't shared her Light. :)

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!


  22. Julie I loved the story of your conversion and your co worker Joy. I am encouraged to continue living out my faith at work!

    And I want a book- haha!

  23. Hey, Debbie, I knew you'd be encouraged by Julie's testimony. Since I know your email, I'm entering your name in the contest. Point of Personal Privilege, I guess.

  24. Probably the best interview I have read from you yet! Thank you for including your testimony. I haven't read Love at Any Cost yet and would love a copy!!

    Book tour... come to the state below you so I can bring all my books to be signed, lol!

  25. Gosh, thanks, TAMARA, for your kind words because I have done over 200 interviews, so that's a HUGE compliment to me, but especially to Juanita for her wonderful questions.

    LOL ... I'm not much of a geography buff, but I do know Arkansas is south of us, so we are neighbors!! And you know what? You don't have to come to a book signing to get your books signed, my friend -- I will be happy to send you signed bookplates and bookmarks if you want -- just e-mail me through my website and give me your address, okay?

    Hugs and good luck!!


  26. Hi, TaMara, I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview with Julie. My goal with this blog is to glorify God, hence the questions about salvation, faith, commitment, and purpose. You'll see that question asked to almost every author that I interview. (Check the author interview tab. I already have several more interviews scheduled and many more of these wonderful Christian authors will tell about how God saved them.)

    Please come back and leave your email so I can include you in the drawing for the free book, Love at Any Cost. I'll notify the winner by personal email on May 19.

    Thanks for visiting my blog-- hope to see you again.

  27. I loved Love at any Cost! Julie has definitely become a favorite. I can't wait for the next one. shopgirl152nykiki(at)yahoo(dot)com

  28. Hi, Veronica, thanks for leaving your comment and your email address. One more week and I'll choose the winner for a copy any of Julie's books--your preference if you are the winner. I'll be sending out a personal email next Sunday afternoon and will announce the winner on my blog Monday morning, the 20th. Hope you'll visit me again--there will be many more interviews and give aways. Visit my blog tomorrow for the winner of Bette Lee Crosby's book What Matters Most.

  29. VERONICA, BLESS YOU!!! SO glad you enjoyed LAAC and I hope you will consider posting a review for it on Amazon by 5/31 so I can enter you in my newsletter contest, okay?

    Good luck in this contest, sweetie. :)


  30. Hallo Ms. Lessman & Ms. Nobles! :)

    Always a happy day to see Ms. Lessman on a blog! :) I'm thankful that her book tour late last year and this year have been going so very well for her, inasmuch as I am thankful that I had the opportunity to participate along the way! I'd be plumb thankful to win any of her books, even though I secretly hope one day to win her spiral printed copy of "A Light in the Window" so I can drink in the backstory of Marcy & Patrick! Her stories are always woven in the threads of my memory and heart, because her characters draw you into their lives! I love writers who evoke a calming balm in their writings; write with heart and grit, and a realism that is realistically plausible. Ms. Lessman does all of this and so much more! :) I am thankful she's in the spotlight on your blog to give others a chance to 'meet her' too!

    The O'Connors for me will always be my favourites,... a strong family, firecely loyal and devoted to each other, and compassionate in all aspects of their lives. I look forward to seeing the story evolve and expand into the next two trilogies (Winds of Change, Heart of San Francisco)'s such a hearty adventure I never know what to expect next!

    Blessings to you both!


  31. JORIE!!

    Such a pleasure to see you here, my friend, and thank you for your kind words!! I'm anxious to see what you think of the Winds of Change series when you get to them because Katie's story, A Hope Undaunted, is my fave!!

    Well, GOOD LUCK in this contest, Jorie, and if you win, I will be happy to send you the spiral-bound copy of A Light in the Window, okay?


    1. Ms. Lessman,

      I surely will contact you, once I make my way back through *Daughters of Boston!* I've had a few stumblements in that direction {a sick cat, and a fortnight's worth of a bad virus for me!}, but I am coming back strong on the reading front and getting myself hunkered down with all sort of wicked sweet books of late! Yours are at the top of my priority to read, because I too, am deeply curious about *Winds of Change*!! I hope your May has been reflectively pensive and mediatively purposeful in restation.

      hugs and blessings in return,

    2. Oh, JORIE ... I'm excited for you, hunkering down with "wicked sweet" books and excited for ME that my books are among them.

      I'm actually going to hunker down with my books, too, beginning with The Daughters of Boston and right through the Winds of Change because I am putting together a short e-book on writing romantic tension, so I will be researching my books for ideas to incorporate. But it's a labor of love because I get to revisit the O'Connors again too. :) So we will be revisiting them together. :)


  32. Hi, Jorie, and welcome to my site about Christian books and authors! I read A Light in the Window on my Kindle in only a day and a half. It is fantastic. Good luck and thanks for stopping by. Winner will be chosen tomorrow, May 19, and will be contacted by personal email. Then the winner's name will be on Monday's post, an interview with author Janice Thompson.

    1. Thank you, Ms. Nobles! :)

      I picked up "Fool's Rush In" in either 2009 or 2010, and I always meant to read more of her books! Ironically, or not, it's taking me this long to get back into the groove, as I selected to put her on a my personal challenge to read 70 Inspirational fiction authors list! :) I will DEF return on Monday -- even if my name is not drawn, not to worry, I've been attempting to win "A Light in the Window" for awhile now! You see, I only read books in print! :) Thanks for the encouraging words on the story! One day I know I'll have the chance to read it, too!

    2. Look at my list of Christian authors and books on the site. I've reviewed most of these, either on my site or on Amazon. It might give you some ideas of who to read. But I'm sure you have a good list at the ready....
      Thanks for visiting again.

  33. Hey I would love to win. I really enjoy learning things and would love to read some of your books. centraleast2 at gmail dot com

    1. Hey, CENTRALEAST2, thank you for coming by and I would LOVE for you to read some of my books, too, so here's to a win!!

      Seriously, if you are interested in reading my books, then I always suggest checking out the EXCERPTS section of my website at the link below to read samples of my favorite romantic and spiritual scenes for each of my books. This will give you a good idea of my style of "passion with a purpose" writing. Here's the link and GOOD LUCK!!

      THEN ... book 1 in the 2nd series, A Hope Undaunted, is available for free download RIGHT NOW, so I hope you take advantage!!


    2. CentralEast- you're on the list! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll come again. There's an author interview every first and third Monday-- and on the second and fourth Monday you'll read articles written by my handsome and talented son, David Nobles, from his vast knowledge as a singles pastor and a lawyer. Look at his article this last Monday about Ambition, Greed and Humility in the Corner Office.

  34. I love your books! Looking forward to reading your newest book!

    1. Thanks, MANDY, I appreciate your support SO much and hope I can send you a signed copy of Love at Any Cost, so you go, girl!!

      And by the way, in case you haven't tried it yet, I am giving away three copies of my books and a $50 gift card in the HUGE 31-author Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt going on right now that's featuring a giveaway of an iPad Mini loaded with 31 top CBA books, so I hope you check it out. Here's the link that will tell you all about it, okay?



    2. Hey, Mandy, come back and leave your email address before tomorrow. I'm reaching in the bag and drawing a name tomorrow afternoon--May 19--and about 3:00 central. Thanks for visiting. Hope you'll come back.

  35. Love the interview and I don't think I have read your testimony before! I would love to win your book! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

    1. MARTHA, thank you for your interest and your comment -- I would love to send you a signed copy of your choice of my books, so GOOD LUCK in this contest!!

      And I don't know if you are related to sweet Mandy above or not, but if you are, I hope both of you will consider hopping over to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt going on right not at the link I gave above, okay?


    2. Hi, Martha, Thanks for stopping by to read Julie's interview. Isn't it great to hear about how Julie met Jesus? I focus on that part of an author's life at this site. Hope you will come back and find out about others.
      Good luck on the drawing! I'll choose a name tomorrow afternoon at about 3:00 central, and it'll be announced on Janice Thompson's interview on Monday, the 20th.

  36. I enjoyed the interview! Thanks for the chance to win!

    1. LOL, JANET ... three "Mays" in a row ... is this a family reunion, I hope?? ;)

      Thank you SO much for coming by and here's to a win!!


    2. Thanks Janet-- hope you'll come back again. Julie is running fast these days-- trying to get it all done with this interview and her 31-author Christian Scavenger Hunt. I think she'll figure out soon that May in the name of the Month! Ha!

      Your name has been entered in the drawing. Good luck!

  37. Oops, this is TaMara... and here is my email! I had a hard time posting that previous comment, my phone was acting crazy!

    1. Well, TAMARA ... this one went through, so YAY!! Here's hoping it nets you a win, girl!! GOOD LUCK!!


    2. Thanks, your name is in the drawing.

  38. I want a book :)


    1. LOL, DJPANKR ... and trust me, I "want" you to have a book too, so GOOD LUCK in this contest, okay??


    2. Hi--anonymous! I've entered your name in the drawing. Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come again.

  39. Julie, you are such an amazing person. I love your attitude and enthusiasm!
    may_dayzee (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Aw, KAY ... you are SUCH a sweetheart, and I "love" your attitude and enthusiasm too, because you are SOOO due for a win, my friend!! Here's hoping this is the day ... :)


    2. Thanks, Kay- I think I've seen your name before on here and I hope I see it again. Thanks for coming by and leaving a note. Your name is in the drawing.

  40. So far I have only one book by Julie Lessman, and would love to read LOVE AT ANY COST, . . . or any of her other ones.
    Kaye Whitney

    1. Hey, KAYE, well ... we are going to have to fix that, young lady!! Is the one book of mine that you have A Hope Undaunted, because that's available for FREE DOWNLOAD right now, so you should take advantage if that's not the one you have as it won't be free much longer.

      BUT ... I have it on good authority that the very first book in this passionate family saga, A Passion Most Pure, which won American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Book of the Year, will be available for FREE DOWNLOAD very soon, possibly June, so keep your eye out. Actually, if you check in with my Journal Jots blog each Friday/Saturday, I always alert my reader friends of any giveaways, okay?

      GOOD LUCK in the contest and don't know if you are aware, but there's a WONDERFUL Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt (of which I am a part) going on RIGHT NOW (last day), so be sure to check that out at the following link, so cut and paste the URL to get there and have fun!


  41. Thank, Kaye, I've read about 5 of her books, and they are ALL good! Got your name on the list. Hope I have your email correct. Check it again and if it's not right, please let me know. Thanks.... it just looked like maybe you made a typo with the "o" know?

  42. Have read Julie's other books, and this one sounds really good.


    1. Hey, MARTHA ... thanks for reading my books, girl, and just so you know, this new San Francisco series is a departure from the O'Connors in that it's shorter, lighter, funnier (I hope!) and less passionate, but romantically and spiritually, so I hope you enjoy it. :)

      GOOD LUCK!!


  43. OH JULIE I love to hear the story of how you came to know our wonderful Saviour. GOD IS SO GOOD!! If I haven't told you lately I love the O'Connors and miss them fiercely and I can't wait to hear more from them in the future. JUANITA thank you so much for having sweet JULIE on your blog. :) I would love to win anything from JULIE...she could send me a gum wrapper and I would treasure it forever! lol

    1. Forgot my avonmathews(at)yahoo(dot)com

    2. Thanks, Teresa, it's wonderful to hear from you. Good luck in the contest-- winner will be chosen tomorrow.

    3. LOL, TERESA ... I just love you to pieces, kiddo, and may just hug you to pieces at ACFW if you are going, although I have a sneaking very sad suspicion that you aren't???

      You ALWAYS make me smile, my friend, and I cannot thank you enough for all of your incredible support!! And I promise you that if you win, it will NOT be a gum wrapper, you sweet thing!! ;)

      Love you!!!

  44. I love Julie's books! nysunnyglade at gmail dot com

    1. I love them too. Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment and getting your name in the drawing. I interview Christian authors every first and third Monday, and on the second and fourth Mondays my amazing son writes a guest blog. Check out what he wrote last week, and come again. Nice to hear from you.

    2. Thanks SO much, SHIRLEY ... I appreciate you reading my books and hopefully I'll get to send you a signed copy of Love at Any Cost, so GOOD LUCK!!


  45. What a beautiful message of your journey in faith, Julie! Thanks for introducing me to Juanita's blog-lovely! SheridaStewart(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Hi, Sherida, so nice to hear from you. Hope you'll come back for more Christan author interviews and more free books Plus lots of good stuff in between. Your name is on the list!

    2. SHERIDA, thank YOU for coming by to read the interview and to comment, my friend -- MUCH appreciated. Here's hoping it nets you a win, so GOOD LUCK!!


  46. Love this interview and would love to win any of the books! pat at ptbradley dot com

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey, PAT, and trust me ... I would "love" for you to win, too, so here's hoping that happens here!!

      But if you have never read any of my books before, I hope you consider checking out the EXCERPTS section of my website at the link below to read samples of my favorite romantic and spiritual scenes for each of my books. This will give you a good idea of my style of "passion with a purpose" writing. Here's the link:

      And guess what?? Right now the 4th book in my family saga, A Hope Undaunted is available for FREE DOWNLOAD so here's the link to cut and paste if you're interested:

      GOOD LUCK!!


  47. Hi, Pat, and if you win, you get your choice of any of Julie's books. Good luck!

  48. Her books are all great! I own all except the newest one and would LOVE to win it! Julie's books are something you need to plan to either have your whole day free or plan on staying up late because you will not want to put them down!


    1. Hey, MELISSA, twice in one weekend, girl -- GOOD JOB!! If you're not careful, you just may win a book this way. :)

      Thank you SOOOO much for your wonderful support and just so you know, this new San Francisco series is a departure from the O'Connors in that it's shorter, lighter, funnier (I hope!) and less passionate, but romantically and spiritually, so I hope you enjoy it. :)

      GOOD LUCK!!


  49. Yes, they are, Melissa. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you will come again. I have your name on the list and will draw for the winner tomorrow. Good luck!

  50. I would love to read my first Julie Lessman novel. Love at any Cost sound wonderful.
    rdewey17 at yahoo dot com


    1. it is really good, Rebecca. I got your name on the list. good luck. Hope you'll come back to my blog for future interviews, give-aways, book reviews, and guest bloggers.
      I post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

    2. REBECCA!!! And I would "love" for you to read your first, too, so here's hoping you pull out a win!!

      But if you have never read any of my books before, I hope you consider checking out the EXCERPTS section of my website at the link below to read samples of my favorite romantic and spiritual scenes for each of my books. This will give you a good idea of my style of "passion with a purpose" writing. Here's the link:

      And guess what?? Right now the 4th book in my family saga, A Hope Undaunted is available for FREE DOWNLOAD so here's the link to cut and paste if you're interested:

      Finally, there's a HUGE 31-author Christian fiction scavenger hunt going on right now where you can also win one of my books along with a $50 gift card, an iPad mini loaded with 31 new CBA books and tons of other prizes, so check it out here:


      Good luck!!


      GOOD LUCK!!


  51. I loved the interview. I really felt like I got to see Julie's heart come out. How wonderful to share with readers. Interesting that you started writing at the age of 12 too. I always wrote poems and stories and even songs. My English teacher even put some of mine in a local paper..made me feel proud. I cannot imagine the feeling of your name in print!
    I would love to win Love at any Cost.
    Thank you both!

    1. JOHNETTE!!! It's a pretty special feeling, my friend, but NOTHING like being able to write for the Lord and meet WONDERFUL reader friends like you!!

      Thank you for coming by and GOOD LUCK in the contest, sweetie. :)


  52. Thanks, Johnette. Are you still writing? I've had a few small things published, and have written one book--self-published.
    Your name is in the drawing. Good luck to you!

  53. I'm an OKIE from Missouri, SW MO! I live Julie's writing, I would love to read thousand new one!

    1. MEL!!! I always forget you are a Missourian because you flit all over the world as a missionary and just plain old "Missouri" seems so mundane after that, and you are ANYTHING but mundane!! ;)

      Good luck in the contest, my friend, and hope things are going well.


  54. Thanks, Melody. Be sure to come back and leave your email address so I can contact you if you win.

  55. Would love to win one of Julie's books. Thanks for the giveaway. johudd|at|bellsouth|dot|net

    1. Hey, JO, thanks for your interest in my books, sweetie, and here's hoping you pull out a win!!


  56. Hello, Jo, nice to hear from you. Thanks for leaving your email address, too-- since that's the only way I can notify the winner tomorrow. Your name is on the list, and I hope you'll come back to my site for other interviews and lots of good stuff.

  57. Great interview! Your testimony is amazing, it's so cool how God can completely transform a life! I also loved hearing about all the book ideas running around in your head! You are every reader's dream with how you keep going with connecting characters! I never want to let my favorites go so I'm always ecstatic when they appear in the author's other books!

    1. Hey, ABS, soooo good to see you here, girl, and my testimony is amazing, but only because my God is amazing!!

      And "every reader's dream"??? LOL ... I wish, but there are a number of 1-star reviewers who beg to differ. ;)

      But I am thrilled that you enjoy my books and hope I get to send you a signed copy of one in this contest, so GOOD LUCK!!


  58. Hey Julie, I always love hearing about what you are up too, and I especially loved hearing your testimony. You are one special lady!! And you know how much I love your books! I would love to win one of your earlier books because I haven't read Daughters of Boston Series yet, and I know I am missing a real treat!!
    Thanks for the interview and giveaway girl!

    1. JOY!!!! WOW, always a pleasure to see you, girl, so thanks for coming by and for your kind words.

      And, WHAT???? You haven't read Daughters of Boston yet??? Well, we are just going to have to change that, my friend, and guess what??? Book 1, A Passion Most Pure, will be offered for FREE DOWNLOAD in June, I believe, but check my Journal Jots blog periodically on Friday/Saturdays because I will post it there when I know for sure, okay?

      Good luck in this contest, my friend. :)


  59. What a testimony! And what a challenge to be a "Joy" at our workplace, eh? Thanks for the chance to win. twinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com

    1. Hey, PEG ... yes, it is (or for me, was) a "challenge" to be a "joy" in the workplace as I'm quite sure it was for my dear friend Joy as well. But PRAISE GOD she stuck with it, eh??



    2. Pegg, thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comment. Hope you will return for other authors and their stories of how Jesus rescued them. We can just keep on letting people see us in our workplace and because of that, we might win some, OK?
      Got your name in the drawing. Good luck! Winner will be announced tomorrow morning, but winner will get an email from me.

  60. Touched by your testimony, Julie. Funny, how God catches the attention of us former bad girls when we least expect it - & often in the most unusual places & through the least expected people! It seems He has a sense of humor also.

    1. BONNIE!!! A fellow "bad girl," eh??? Well, then, you are realllllly gonna like my books, then, because "bad girls" tend to like "bad boys," and my books are loaded with bad boys who come to the Lord by hook or crook, so I hope you enjoy them. :)

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK, my friend. :)


  61. I have yet to read one of Julie's books but she is on my upcoming list. I'd LOVE to read this book! Thank you for the interview and giveaway!

    Wanda Barefoot

    1. WANDA!!! I just saw you over on the scavenger hunt, so YAY ... glad you are giving it the old college try!!

      And, seriously, girl, if you are interested in reading my books, then I always suggest checking out the EXCERPTS section of my website at the link below to read samples of my favorite romantic and spiritual scenes for each of my books. This will give you a good idea of my style of "passion with a purpose" writing. Here's the link and GOOD LUCK!!

      THEN ... book 1 in the 2nd series, A Hope Undaunted, is available for free download RIGHT NOW, so I hope you take advantage!!


    2. So you haven't read one yet, well I hope you get to read one soon. And I promise, if you read one of Julie's books, you'll read more. Your name is in the drawing. Hope you come back to my site for more Christian author interviews and more free books-- plus lots of good stuff in between. Check my author interview tab and my schedule.

  62. I always love getting to know Julie better, she's a beautiful reflection of our Savior. Please add me to the drawing, I'd love to win her newest book. Thanks!
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

    1. MERRY!!! SO good to see you here, my friend, and thank you for your kind words and HOW I wish they were true!! But the beautiful thing is that whether we are a reflection of Jesus or not, He loves us all the same, so I hang my hat on that during those times when I'm not such a good reflection in my own eyes. :|

      Thanks for coming by, and here's to a win!!


    2. Thanks so much, Merry, your name is in the drawing and the winner will be announced tomorrow morning. Good luck! Hope you'll visit my blog again.

  63. What a great giveaway! I LOVE Julie's books- they're simply amazing! I just finished reading LAAC and couldn't stop smiling for hours afterwards... SO good! I'm looking forward to more in that series!


    1. ELYSSA -- YAY!!!!! SOOOO glad you enjoyed LAAC because as Em may have told you, there are a number of young gals who are objecting to the stolen kiss in the billiard room, so I hope that didn't negatively affect you like it affected them.

      And, girl, I hope you consider posting a review on Amazon before May 31st so I can enter you in my random drawing to have a character named after you in the next book. Just let me know if you do, okay, and I'll enter you. :)

      Hugs and give one to Em for me too, okay?

    2. Oh, that kiss didn't negatively affect me at all! I was proud of Cassie for her stand for God, so it's all good. =)

      I'll let you know about the review, Julie! I'm planning on posting one, so I'll be sure to contact you when I do. =)

      Sending hugs to you as well!

    3. Hi, Elyssa, and thanks so much for coming by to read my interview with Julie. Hope you'll come back again for more good stuff... your name is in the drawing and winner will be announced tomorrow morning on the interview with Janice Thompson. Good luck! So far, there are 39 entries..and only one book...:(

  64. I loved the interview. Sounds like a great book.
    I want a book!

    1. RUBYNREBA ... thanks for coming by to leave a comment and I would LOVE to send you a signed book, so GOOD LUCK in this contest. :)


    2. Thanks, RUBYNREBA-- twins, I guess. Thanks for coming by and getting your name in the drawing. Julie's books are all good. Hope you get to read A Light in the Window, the prequel to the Daughters of Boston. I read it on my Kindle in a day and a half. Of course, nothing else got done at my house during that time. So what's new? Good luck in the drawing.

  65. I heard and read so many good things about this book. I would love to read this book. Thanks for having the giveaway.


    1. ROSE ... well, that's good news, you hearing "good things" about this book, so YAY!!! Here's hoping you will find out firsthand with a win!! ;)


  66. Thanks for this chance to win. However, I have already won this book. YAY!!:) Anyway, should my name be drawn I'd love to receive a different book by Julie.

    1. LEAH!!! UH-OH ... refresh my memory ... did you win the book from me and if so, have I already sent it, I hope?? For some reason I think you may have won it from a blogger who provided their own copy because you are one of my favorite reader friends, so I don't think I would forget sending you a book if I did. But who knows?? I have been known to have colander brain at times, especially lately when my daughter just got married and LAAC just released. :)

      And you can have any old book you want, girl, including a copy of Dare to Love Again when it is released next January, okay? Good luck!!


  67. Winner's choice of any of Julie's books in this drawing! So if you win, you're in luck. I have your name in the pot, Good Luck! Winner will be announced tomorrow on the interview with Janice Thompson.

  68. I would love to win.


    1. Hello, Deanna, thanks for stopping by my blog and reading Julie's interview. Hope you'll come back for another one. Would love for you to win. I'm going to ask my husband to draw a name out of the 41 entries in a couple of hours, and send an email to the winner. I'm sorry there's only one winner, wish everybody could win!

    2. DEANNA ... thanks SO much for coming by and GOOD LUCK in Juanita's contest, girl!!


  69. Very nice interview. I want a book!

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. LOL, BN100 ... I do too, want you to have a book of mine as well, so if you don't win here, I hope you'll periodically check my blog and website calendar for future giveaways.


  70. Thanks for stopping by, bn100--- glad you enjoyed the interview. Hope you get to read lots of Julie's books.

  71. Contest over--I'm selecting the name of the winner now.

  72. Boo-hoo! I so wanted to be in this and just a bit late Maxie

  73. Sorry you missed it. I've missed a few things, too. Come back another time and try for a different book. Thanks for stopping by.

  74. Great interview Julie. You always amaze me. :) Love your writing and looking forward to the next novel.

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  91. Широкий выбор продукции для домашнего обихода

  92. Для входа на прийдется поставить специальный браузер – TOR. Владельцы магазина UnionГИДРА все время обновляют своевременные адреса для входа на портал. Имеется возможность применять запасную ссылку для организации покупок на маркете Hydra RU. Именно за счет браузера TOP любой посетитель сможет пройти в темный интернет.

  93. Тариф преобразования электронных валют трудно предусмотреть, процесс зависит от большого числа показателей. С целью рентабельного перевода электронной валюты следует потратить море часов на поиски. Обменки валют в инете в последние годы набирают особенно широкой репутации. Число интернет обменных пунктов продолжает расти изо дня в день.

  94. В том случае когда вы планируете выделиться и украсить свой автотранспорт – самое время окрасить колеса в профессиональной мастерской Покрытие на диске предотвратит разрушение металла. Сделать окрашивание колес нужно в профильных автомастерских, где отделку выполнят профессионалы. Для конкретного вида металла существуют специализированные составы, которые могут простоять на дисках как никогда длительный период.

  95. Вон здесь показан весь перечень реализуемого товара. На Гидра выставлено более чем много специфического товара, доступного всем посетителям инете. На проекте Гидра очень тяжело купить продукцию обычным вариантом, а оплата принимается всего лишь через криптовалютные кошельки.

  96. Есть возможность применить запасной сайт для совершения приобретения продуктов на маркете Гидра РУ. Именно через браузер TOR любой клиент имеет возможность пройти в даркнет. Владельцы маркетплейса Hydra постоянно обновляют актуальные ссылки для входа на сайт. Для доступа на нужно использовать специфический веб браузер – TOR.

  97. Мнение реальных покупателей также придется иметь в виду при выборе лучшего обменного пункта. Какой угодно клиент имеет возможность лично взять конкретный пункт обмена. В обязательном порядке читайте ранг обменников – это позволит защититься от аферистов. Клиентам платформы Курсоф представлены экономически рентабельные способы конвертирования валют, например, Отличный показатель обслуживания клиентов даст возможность сэкономить время.

  98. Широченный состав товаров попросту поражает воображение. Для верификации на площадке ГидраUnion нужно использовать вспомогательную ссылку центральной страницы Hydra. Проводите лишь только скрытные виды покупки вещей. Зеркалки для вхождения на проект Hydra всегда добавляются. Пользователям сайта представлены тысячи оптовиков с разными товарами.

  99. Купить желаемый продукт более чем просто – возможно сличить цену, либо посмотреть показатели реализатора. Профессиональные реализаторы маркетплейса Гидра обладают специальным рейтингом, он открыт всем покупателям форума. В данном случае имеется шанс подобрать какие угодно субстанции, мобильные гаджеты и персональную информацию. На странице люди имеют возможность приобретать вещи поодиночке, а также значительной партией.

  100. Плановый ремонт насосов для септиков должны выполнять знающие свое дело специалисты фирмы Airpump Service. Воздушные компрессоры от актуальных марок BOYU – это гарантия качества и отличная продуктивность. Оформить гарантийное обслуживание доступно по адресу купить компрессор secoh EL-250W.

  101. Стремительный подогрев воды и получение пара зависит от различных параметров. Для выполнения котельного аппарата по заданным требованиям, покупателю необходимо направить расчетные параметры. Например возможно применять подобное оборудование из перечня представленных на сайте образователей пара.

  102. Интерактивный сервис по подбору наилучших цен на железнодорожные перемещения рекомендует своим пользователям закупить экскурсия в балтийск из калининграда по максимально актуальной цене без спекулянтов. Наиболее актуальные города, интерактивное резервирование, минимальные цены, благоприятные вагоны и купе. На площадке организован не сложный и ясный всякому пользователю поиск железнодорожных билетов.

  103. Добавочные устройства не потребуются, для начала работы IP-телефона хватит всего лишь стационарный компьютер. При оформлении виртуального номера используется актуальные программы. Обслуживание voip телефон дает переадресовывать информацию или поставить пользователя в режим ожидания. Tel Com оформляет вам устойчивую связь для реализации разговоров в каком угодно регионе.

  104. Как правильно совершить скрытую в интернет паутине гидра ссылка официальный сайт тор браузере

  105. Заходите в систему магазина гидра ссылка телеграмм только лишь в режиме анонимно. Правильно использовать для входа на форум HydraRU новейший протокол ТОР. Используя обширную переадресацию вообще никто не имеет возможности проверить пользователя. Многоуровневое кодирование предоставляет фундаментальную степень безопасности для всех юзеров маркета HydraRU.

  106. Компании, которые дают интернет сообщение, все чаще организуют в компьютерных комплексах серьезную охрану от кибер атак, актуальный список нужно просмотреть на https gidra zerkala24 site. Устраивать хорошую защиту личного компьютера обязательно с подборки авторитетного провайдера. Надежные фаерволы – непоколебимая охрана от проникновения мошенников в рабочую интернет сеть.

  107. Дом солнца гадание считается самым достоверным вариантом определить грядущее личности. Самые важные способы предсказания грядущего возникли за несколько тысяч лет до нашей эры. Естественные явления или церемониальные жертвоприношения по прошествии длительного времени составили целенаправленное толкование увиденного.

  108. Регулярным клиентам hydra адрес будут дисконты. Гидра обеспечивает всем юзерам немыслимый выбор товаров по максимально приличным ценам от дилера. Каждый первый желающий имеет возможность зарегиться на платформе и беспроблемно выполнить сделку на определенную сумму. На сайте есть достаточно продавцов классного продукта.

  109. Отыскать определенный продукт на удивление несложно – допускается соотнести стоимость, либо посмотреть оценку продавца. В данном случае можно купить какие угодно вещества, смартфоны и персональную информацию. Высококвалифицированные продавцы сайта HydraRU имеют конкретный показатель, какой доступен всем юзерам проекта. На площадке gidra onion люди смогут купить продукт в розницу, либо значительными партиями.

  110. Система безымянных приобретений на площадке www gidra

  111. Не на каждом шагу нужно оформлять персональные данные, необходимо лишь только найти подходящую систему платежей. Самые популярные платежные системы требуют полноценной подтверждения клиентов. Приобрести иммунитет верификации есть возможность лишь только на специальной платформе

  112. Киберпреступники ухитряются выйти на девайс пользователя и заполучить онлайн-доступ к приватной инфе. Основным направлением интернет безопасности оказывается охрана коммуникационного устройства, с помощью которого происходит выход в Глобальную паутину Идеально нехитрый метод хака – это установка вирусов, например, вирусы.

  113. Немногие игрушки и услуги платные, тем не менее, больший ассортимент развлечений доступны в качестве ознакомительных работ. Форум Hydra предоставляет возможность пользователям интернета отыскивать единомышленников за счет дискуссий на определенную их тему. На странице ещё представлено огромное количество полезной информации – тематические видео курсы, программы и магазин с товарами.

  114. Обеспечить информацию по кредитным карточкам клиента для матерого мошенника не составит труда. Во время атаки злоумышленников клиент практически не догадается, что на персональном компьютере поставлен сторонний софт. Центральной целью злоумышленников считается атака рабочего ПК. Используйте для доступа на главный сайт Гидра.

  115. Непосредственно знаменитые платежные системы потребуют обязательной проверки участника. Гарантировать незаметность получится только на общественной площадке как пользоваться сайтом гидра. Не в каждой платежной системе обязательно вписывать персональные данные, необходимо именно найти подходящую платежную систему.

  116. Залогиниться на просто путем использования уникального браузера Тор. Интеллектуальная маршрутизация разрешает авторизироваться на сайт оперативно и безопасно. Для качественного коннекта с основным компьютером маркетплейса потребуется отличный прокси. Опционально можно использовать инкогнито при авторизации в маркетплейсе Hydra RU.

  117. Интернет предоставляет возможность скачать невероятное число архивов совершенно на халяву Посещая интернет придется наперед озадачиться о надежности сетевого гаджета и размещенной на нём информации. С развитием кибертехнологий единовременно модернизируют незаконные навыки проходимцы, какие работают в интернете.

  118. На площадке находится действительно много производителей первоклассного товара. Постоянным покупателям доступны уступки. Каждый первый посетитель сумеет пройти авторизацию на платформе и скрытно провести закупку на нужную сумму. HydraRU обеспечивает всем юзерам немыслимый список продуктов по действительно низким ценам от производителей.

  119. Анонимные покупки продукции – как взаимодействовать с порталом Hydra RU в сети интернет

  120. Оперативные сделки в маркете HydraRU

  121. Личные данные клиента автоматически содержатся на облачном сервере Gidra. Подсоединение Proxy действительно считается верным порядком авторизации для реализации необходимых закупок. переадресация разрешает скрыть верный адрес посетителя, гарантируя стопроцентную анонимность покупки вещи.

  122. Не помешает понять, что во время перемещения денег с виртуального кошелька, хозяин магазина не будет просмотреть персональную информацию юзера. Цифровые кошельки, в основном, являются безликим способом выкупа вещи в мировой сети. Открывая электронный кошелек элементарно верифицировать стандартный статус без оформления документов.

  123. Сайт предлагает собственным пользователям поистине огромный спектр нужной продукции по максимально приемлемым ценам. Если вы верите, что покупать потребные продукты по удобной ставке осуществимо всего лишь на сайтах брендовых онлайн-магазинов, то глубоко ошиблись. Закупайте товары именно у основательных реализоторов в магазине «Гидра».

  124. Проект Hydra предлагает своим клиентам прекрасную степень скрытности при совершении любого договора. Стоит только авторизироваться на портале Hydra RU, а пользовательская информация направится для хранения в закодированном виде на облачном серваке. Благодаря проекту юзеры получают серьезную степень анонимности.

  125. Все пароли надежно хранятся на облачном серваке. Добавленные источники для авторизации в структуре HydraRU постоянно обновляются. Учитывая отдельную специфику маркета, осуществить вход в него имеется возможность за счет вспомогательной ссылки. Авторизироваться на зеркале может, как новый пользователь, а также верифицированный юзер.

  126. Клиенту нет надобности подвергать самого себя риску, осуществляя операцию с поставщиком товара. Безопасная покупка происходит только в закрытой интернет-сети. Множество посетителей знают о портале ГидраUnion, тем не менее войти на него крайне непросто. Какая угодно операция на обеспечит пользователям надежный уровень защищенности.

  127. Маркетплейс Hydra RU гарантирует всякому посетителю качественный уровень безопасности при свершении любой операции. Воспользовавшись площадкой клиенты получают высочайший уровень анонимности. Нужно лишь авторизироваться на сайте ГидраРУ, и пользовательская информация направится на хранение в кодированном формате на виртуальном компе.
