
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Secrets Over Sweet Tea by Denise Hildreth Jones

This delightful new book by Denise Hildreth-Jones is filled with fun and southern humor. I laughed out loud on the second page. If you have not yet read one of her books, I hope you will check them out.

Scarlett Jo Newberry, the main character is a loud, outspoken pastor's wife who tries to fix everyone. She loves to walk, she loves the early morning sunrise, and she loves to wear bright colors. So she takes her walks early as she thinks about and prays for each neighbor, and sometimes she gets into their business.

As each new character is introduced, Ms. Jones has the author thinking they are old friends. The reader becomes inmeshed in the joys and sorrows of each couple, most of whom are members of the church where Scarlett's husband is pastor. (Need I say that she loves Tara and Scarlet O'Hara, and she even named one of her five sons Rhett? This is about as southern as you can get.)

I won't give away the plot, but I will tell you that if you read this book, you will not put it down. You'll love reading about Grace and Tyler, Zach and Caroline, and their friends in Franklin, Tennessee. Each couple has their own unique situation, and each one has secrets, as we all do, ones that we don't want to tell. Scarlett calls each woman Baby, Honey, and Sugar Pie, all the southern names for friends as they discuss their problems over gallons of sweet tea.

But when her own secrets are revealed, Scarlett has a surprise for the reader. Her whole personalily becomes different as the friends she has helped try to help her.

This is a book you don't want to miss.

The author will be interviewed on my blog April 15.

Author Denise Hildreth-Jones
Watch for interview on April 15.

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