
Friday, April 19, 2013

It's Friday Again

It's Friday again and these last two weeks have been too busy! First, I had a sick husband all last week, then he was admitted to the hospital last Thursday and stayed until Saturday. Then I had a doctor's appointment which led to an all-day stress test yesterday. I hope they found nothing, but I will learn the results today or Monday.

We came back home to flooding in our town and no electricity. The east side of DeSoto had been evacuated, and many people were at our church, First Baptist, which had been set up as a welcome center to house those who had no place to go. We live on a hill, so our house was safe, at least the main floor was, but our basement was very close to taking in water. Thankfully, my husband had bought a generator three years ago. It had never been used, but it was prepared, and he put it into use quickly, and that saved our basement from another major flood (it has been flooded before--I even have a story about that.) Our neighbor put out his rain gauge, and he says we got close to 8 inches of rain yesterday. As we were in St. Louis, getting from my appointment to lunch and back again, I wondered if anybody might be starting a new business-- that of building some arks.

I'm happy to say the electric came on during the night, but all this has set me back. I didn't get my post done for today. I usually tell a personal experience on Friday. I'm going to let that be my personal experience for this week. (sigh--quite an experience, and a very long day).

Yesterday Margo Dill interviewed me on her blog:
Click on that link to read the interview and to register to win a copy of my book, A Heritage of Faith.

Thanks to Margo Dill for her complimentary words and for introducing me on her blog.

I hope to be back to normal next week.

You can still comment to win Secrets Over Sweet Tea by Denise Jones.
Scroll back to her Monday interview or see the side bar and click on it.

Next Monday I'll announce the winner, and will have another entry by guest blogger David Nobles, our son who lives in Midland, Texas.

Have a great weekend! Let's hope the ground begins to dry up and Spring gets closer.

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