
Friday, February 8, 2013

Dan Walsh is an amazing writer. I just finished reading my second book that he authored, and found myself just as deeply intriguied as I was with the first one, Remembering Christmas, which I reviewed on my blog during the month of December.

This one opened slower than the first one, with a shipwreck and a newly married couple who were separated. The women on the ocean liner were rescued, but there was not room for the men, so John and Laura shared subsequent chapters as we learned about them and their love for each other.

As Laura grieved on the rescue boat, John and two friends clung to a piece of a table he salvaged from the liner. Walsh wove together many characters as he told a story of exciting rescues, deep friendship, and even a plot for murder. The time period for this book was only a matter of days, but crammed into the pages was more adventure than you would read in a book much longer.

You will learn about the treatment of slaves, the lives of high society people (the family of John, the man clinging to a table top in the middle of the ocean), and faith in God. One of the workers on the rescue ship was Micah, who showed his trust in God no matter what kind of treatment he received.

It would be a spoiler if I revealed the ending, so just pick up a copy and read it for yourself. I can guarantee you won't be disappointed.

Dan Walsh, an author who can be compared to Nicholas Sparks and Richard Evans, is a former pastor who now spends his time writing books. I hope I have time to read every one of them.


  1. Hi Juanita:
    So is this under the genre of historical inspirational romance?

  2. Yes, period piece with romance. It, of course, also emphasizes faith in God.
