
Ordinary People of the Bible

My unpublished book is Unpacking God's Redemptive Plan: Ordinary People Come Face-to-Face with Extraordinary God. I am seeking a venue to get it published.

This book is about people in the Bible, many of them unknown, and what they did when they met God. I didn't write about famous people like Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, and Elijah, etc. I wrote about people who knew these famous ones. Sometimes only a verse or two in the Bible tells about them.

For example, what happened to Cain, Adam's son, after he was sent away from the Garden of Eden? His descendants lasted until the flood. Since none of them trusted in God, none of them were left after that devastation, but the Bible tells us where he lived and what kind of life his descendants lived.

What happened to Esau, brother of Jacob, one of the patriarchs? Did you know Esau married Caananite women just to spite his parents, because his brother Jacob had stolen his birthright? Did you know he is the father of the Arab people and both Arabs and Jews claim Abraham as their ancestor still today?

Do you know about Hobab, brother-in-law of Moses, who was a Midianite from the tribe of people who terrorized the Israelites for many years? He chose to stay with Moses as he led the people through the wilderness. He made his home in Canaan, and he became one of God's people through his own choice, just like we do today when we choose to believe in Him.

Do you remember Uriah, husband of Bathsheba? I wrote a story in my book about him. Everyone has heard of David and Bathsheba and their affair, but few remember Uriah. He probably never even knew about his wife's affair with the king, because he was killed in battle on David's orders, in his attempt to cover up what he had done. Uriah, too, was a foreigner in the land of Israel. He was a Hittite, another people group who fought against the people of God for centuries.

What compelled Salome, the mother of James and John, to ask Jesus for special favors for her sons in His kingdom?

Who was Cornelius, the man who asked Peter to come and tell him about Jesus? He was a Gentile, and his question opened the doors for Gentiles throughout the ages to come to know Jesus as their Savior.

My book is about people in the Bible who may be new to you, or you may find things you had not heard before when you read my book.

1. Cain and Abel: The First Two Brothers
2. From Adam to Noah: Man Multiplies on the Earth
3. Hagar: A Woman Dispossessed and Alone
4. Lot, His Wife, and His Daughters: Their Treasure was in the Wrong Place
5. Rebekah: Loved and Cherished, but Barren and Bitter
6. Easu: Jacob's Twin Brother
7. Leah: Overshadowed by Her Sister
8. Tamar: A Desperate Woman
9. Jochebed: Mother of Moses
10. Miriam: She Allowed Jealousy and Bitterness to Rule
11. Nadab and Abihu: They Chose to Change God's Directions for Worship
12. Hobab, Brother-in-Law of Moses: The Go-To Man in the Wilderness
13. Caleb: Voice of the Minority
14. Rahab: A Woman Changed
15: Deborah: A Prophetess, a Judge, and a Warrior
16. Gideon: He Put God to the Test
17. Samson and Delilah: A Bad Combination
18. Naomi: A Pious Mother-in-Law
19. Hannah: A Woman of Deep Devotion
20. Michal: Daughter of One King, Wife of Another
21. Abigail: She Refused to Let Her Husband Destroy Her Household
22. Jonathan and Mephibosheth: Loyal Friends to David
23. Uriah, the Hittite: Faithful Soldier in King David's Army
24. The Prophet's Widow: The Miracle of the Oil
25. The Shunammite Woman: Elisha Restored Her Son
26. King Hezekiah: He Was Too Proud for the Good of His Country
27. Mordechai: Guardian of a Queen
28. Joseph: The Husband of Mary
29. Anna: A Senior Citizen Who Kept on Serving
30. Zebedee's Ambitious Wife, Salome: Mother of James and John
31. Thomas: The Doubting Disciple
32. Martha: Hostess Extraordinaire
33. Mary Magdalene: Devoted Follower of Jesus
34. Andrew: Simon Peter's Brother
35. Caiaphas: A Priest Who Loved Power More than Obedience
37. Stephen: The First Martyr
38. Barnabas: The Great Encourager
39. Dorcas: Friend to Widows and Orphans
40. Cornelius: A Gentile Christian
41. Timothy: An Example for Young Pastors
42. Silas: A Helper to Paul
43. Priscilla and Aquila: Tentmakers Who Served with Paul
44. Apollos: A Gifted Speaker Who had not Heard the Whole Story
45. Four Herods: Men who Chose not to Accept their Opportunities
46. God Completes His Redemptive Plan

If you wish to be put on a list to get a copy of this book when it is published, please send your name and address to me at my personal email:


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