
Buy Juanita's Books NOW

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A Heritage of Faith is a humorous, biographical account of the lives of Marvin (Charlie) and Juanita Nobles. It tells about their parents, where they came from and how they led their families. Marvin's family were Christians. Juanita's were not. But you will read a miraculous story of how Juanita's family came to know God, and how God called her to be a preacher's wife. All she had to do was find the preacher God wanted her to marry! And find him she did--at a small Baptist college in Texas. Marvin had been out of school for 12 years, Juanita had graduated high school two years before they met, and God put them in the same place so they could find each other. That couldn't just happen outside of the divine providence of God.

Marvin and Juanita served in 12 churches in Texas, Missouri, and Florida, then served God through an RV ministry for the next ten years after retiring from the pastorate.  

You will read about how God led Juanita through depression, how he led the two of them to apply to be missionaries in Africa, and you will meet many people from their churches.

You will read about personal things, such as when they discovered that their son Steve was gay, and when their daughter Cindy experienced infertility problems for years, until God blessed her and her husband with an adopted daughter whose picture is on the cover of the book.

You will laugh and you will cry as you read this book. And you will be blessed as you see the heritage God gave their family.

Order A Heritage of Faith for $15 (softcover) or $20 (hardcover). Please specify which type you want and whether you want it autographed.

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